It's the first foreign blog of Yichin Chang

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

First try....

Kevin Wu told me he had a blog space here and Mellisa can communicate with us.
So I registered an ID and found the interface is friendly.
I hope I would use this space to practice my poor English.
My TOFEL test will be in 20th,April and GRE test will be in 26th ,April(AWA) and 9th,June(PBT).
Time is not enough and I can't waste any time I can hold.

PS.I am the one of navyboys...
and sunnyboy will enter the graduate of chemistry of Harver University


At 10:42 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Hey there, this is the other Melissa (still in Kaohsiung). I hope to see you soon!

At 9:44 PM, Blogger Asylum said...

Yichin Chang...that's not your real name! KingKong...or KinKon...or Tim. I like Tim. What do you think?
SO, I think writing an English blog is a GREAT idea! It's definitely good practice. So...I'm excited for you to start writing!


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