It's the first foreign blog of Yichin Chang

Thursday, March 02, 2006

What a wonderful thing....Cat(little wind) comes back

I got the lost cat one hour before.
My sister helped his classmate in NTU to feed one cat.
His classmate went to America to accompany his girl friend in MIT.
And we brought this cute cat to the coountryside during Chinese New Year.
At that time, it may wanted to make new friends(maybe girl friends) and left us.
My family were so afraid that it wouldn't come back.
Fortunately, it appeared at midnight, we guessed it was hungry, so it was back to eat.
After Chinese New Year, we were back to Taipei.
At the night of 3rd, Febuary, the cat lost again.
It is so marvelous that my home is located in 13th floor!!
How the cat dared to jump out.
After it left, I and my sister printed some paper with information about the cat and its pictures.
We hope someone would find it and inform us.We didn't receive any feedback until yesterday night.

Yesterday night, one neighbor informed us she saw a cat looking linke our lost cat.
I and my sister and father collected some useful tools, including cans for cats, cat sand, a ringbell for play, etc, to cathc it.
After it ate enough, our tools became useless.
There were not enough chances to catch it.
We tried this night again.
After 3 failures, I got it! I got it when it wanted to hide below a car.
What a wonderful thing that the cat came back.
Although the owner of the cat may get the cat back soon, we are still glad that the cat will live with us some more days :).
The cat is so cute, and I will put its pictures here.

By the way, I finished the 4th of my simulated test of GRE last night.
I got 370 in Verbal(correct rating is 29/78) and 790 in Quantative (correct rating is 56/60), and both are better than before. (Sunny's formal record is V550 Q800, what a cleve man.)
I hope I can continue advaning in the test.


At 2:15 PM, Blogger Asylum said...

haha, the cat came back! Good story! There's a classic english song about a cat coming back. OK, so I'm waiting for you to post pictures...I like cats.

Loveth Melissa

ps. I'm confused about the GRE tests. What's a perfect score?

At 2:23 PM, Blogger Asylum said... I saw your pictures of "Little Wind", who I must say doesn't look so little! Haha. ALso, it seems that in some of the pictures you're torturing the poor thing!!! Yichan CHang!! I hope the cat gets to go home soon. Haha.


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