It's the first foreign blog of Yichin Chang

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Please estimate my writing

I wrote a writing this afternoon.
And I sent it to my teacher to evaluate it.
He gave me the score 5 out of 6(6 is the perfect score).
It's the first time I got 5.(I always got 4~4.5 before)
I used 46 minutes to finish the writing.
And the formal test time is 45 minutes.
The major reasons that I got score 5 are that number of words is enough(460 words) and that the number of errors of spelling and grammer is just a few.

But I am cusious how do you think about my writing.
Because the amount of my vocabulary is not great, I just use basic words to express my meaning.
I want to know what is the level of the writing in your perspectives.
If you have time, please help me score it.
Thanks a lot!!
Click me to visit the writing


At 3:44 PM, Blogger Asylum said...

Hey. I dont have time right now to read your writing. I will be back and I'll tell you what I think.

Also, how did you do on TOFEL???

At 1:43 AM, Blogger parrot chang said...

My Toefl range is 177-233.
Next Toefl test will be in 4/20 and 5/2.

At 12:14 PM, Blogger Asylum said...

uhoh...I went to go look at your writing, but it's gone! Sorry, I didnt get a chance to evaluate it.


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