It's the first foreign blog of Yichin Chang

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Please estimate my writing

I wrote a writing this afternoon.
And I sent it to my teacher to evaluate it.
He gave me the score 5 out of 6(6 is the perfect score).
It's the first time I got 5.(I always got 4~4.5 before)
I used 46 minutes to finish the writing.
And the formal test time is 45 minutes.
The major reasons that I got score 5 are that number of words is enough(460 words) and that the number of errors of spelling and grammer is just a few.

But I am cusious how do you think about my writing.
Because the amount of my vocabulary is not great, I just use basic words to express my meaning.
I want to know what is the level of the writing in your perspectives.
If you have time, please help me score it.
Thanks a lot!!
Click me to visit the writing

Monday, March 13, 2006

Answer to Mellisa

Because I am not familar with the whole mechanism of this website.
I choose to post another article to answer your questions.
I think the master of the cat will be busy for at least a week.
So the cat will continue staying my home.
I like this cat very much.
He almost slept with me every night and he was so warm.
Although I tortured (a new word for me) him, but he still liked me. haha

I post some new pictures in my website of my graduate school.
But next time when I want to use the space I will delete them.
GRE is the test for the American graduste school.
It tests the logical and mathematicl abilities.
The perfect score is 1600(verbal 800,Quantitive 800)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Fixing PC is still hard knowledge :(

I got the PC of my girlfriend last Saturday.
In the first try to fix it, I use a new hard disk and install a new OS, it still can't work.
Yesterday I spent NT 8700 for a new hard disk(WD 200G), a CPU(Celeron 2.6J), a Com CDROM(BenQ), a new RAM(DDR400 512MB), and a new ASUS mainboard.
After buying the above, I was confident that it could work smoothly.
I was still surprised in composing the elements into the old case.
The CPU's structure is 775, I have never seen the pins were on MB instead of CPU, so cool!!
After composing them completely, the LCD still showed me nothing but darkness.>_<
This morning I took the PC to be diagnosed where the problem is. It's marvelous that it could work in that place. But it still can't work in my room before 10 minutes. Maybe the bad part is the power supply or the case.

My uncle also ask me to help him buy a whole new PC.
The two new PCs made me very busy.
I hope I could finish them this week because I should concentrate on preparing TOFEL test at 20th, March.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

What a wonderful thing....Cat(little wind) comes back

I got the lost cat one hour before.
My sister helped his classmate in NTU to feed one cat.
His classmate went to America to accompany his girl friend in MIT.
And we brought this cute cat to the coountryside during Chinese New Year.
At that time, it may wanted to make new friends(maybe girl friends) and left us.
My family were so afraid that it wouldn't come back.
Fortunately, it appeared at midnight, we guessed it was hungry, so it was back to eat.
After Chinese New Year, we were back to Taipei.
At the night of 3rd, Febuary, the cat lost again.
It is so marvelous that my home is located in 13th floor!!
How the cat dared to jump out.
After it left, I and my sister printed some paper with information about the cat and its pictures.
We hope someone would find it and inform us.We didn't receive any feedback until yesterday night.

Yesterday night, one neighbor informed us she saw a cat looking linke our lost cat.
I and my sister and father collected some useful tools, including cans for cats, cat sand, a ringbell for play, etc, to cathc it.
After it ate enough, our tools became useless.
There were not enough chances to catch it.
We tried this night again.
After 3 failures, I got it! I got it when it wanted to hide below a car.
What a wonderful thing that the cat came back.
Although the owner of the cat may get the cat back soon, we are still glad that the cat will live with us some more days :).
The cat is so cute, and I will put its pictures here.

By the way, I finished the 4th of my simulated test of GRE last night.
I got 370 in Verbal(correct rating is 29/78) and 790 in Quantative (correct rating is 56/60), and both are better than before. (Sunny's formal record is V550 Q800, what a cleve man.)
I hope I can continue advaning in the test.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A little dissappointed....

Yesterday I calculated my GPA in college.
I remembered the last time I calculated it was about 2.97 without the record of graduate school.
This time I calaculated and found that the 2.97 include the record of graduate school.
(my average GPA in graduate school is 4)
It's hopeless to get the GPA above 3 now:(.

Now the most important thing is to get high GRE score...must br very high, or I will have no chance to get admissions of better American graduate schools.

I have gotten three simulated tests, and the highest score was 1100(V:340 Q:760).
I still have 3 months to prepare this hard test.
Hope I will insist on this road.